This page lists out some of the common errors that you might encounter and how they might look like on our systems.

Plotting Large Scaling Results Manually

The following instructions show how to plot large scaling results manually from a collection of .csv files.

python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install jureap
jureap manual --input <input-dir> --output <output-dir> [--skip-weak-scaling] [--legend-position x,y ]
  • The <input-dir> directory contains all the csv files that you want to generate plots for.

  • The <output-dir> directory will contain the generated plots. basename.

  • The –skip-weak-scaling flag is optional and should be used if you want to skip plotting weak scaling error bars.

  • The –legend-position option is optional and should be used if you want to specify the position of the legend in the plot to prevent it from overlapping with your figures. The x and y values can be numeric values between 0 and 1.

  • Each .csv file should be accompanied by a .workload file with the same

  • The workload file should contain the workload factor. for the .csv file. For example, data/strong.tiny.csv should have a corresponding data/strong.tiny.workload file which should contain a single number which is the workload factor.

Partially Failed CI Pipeline

If only a part of the CI pipeline fails, it might be beneficial to avoid rerunning the entire pipeline. However, the current exacb infrastructure for plotting does not support rerunning only the failed jobs. Despite this limitation, you can still rerun only the failed jobs. We are actively working on adding a plotting feature that will support displaying results from multiple runs.

Empty CI Pipeline

If one has commented out all the CI/CD components in the .gitlab-ci.yml file, then the CI pipeline will be empty and cause an error on the Gitlab CI. This can be worked around by always having a dummy job in the pipeline like shown below

  tags: ["docker"]
    - echo "Hello, World!"

This will ensure that the pipeline is never empty and will always run.

Partition Split on JUBE

Sometimes you would like to run a benchmark run on two different partitions like dc-gpu and dc-gpu-large on JURECA. This can be achieved by writing code like shown below in your JUBE file

- name: queue
  tag: jureca
  mode: python
  _: '"dc-gpu" if int("${nodes}") < 32 else "dc-gpu-large"'
- name: queue
  tag: juwels_booster
  mode: python
  _: '"largebooster" if int("${nodes}") >= 384 else "booster"'

In such cases, make sure that you remove the old code that you have written to set the queues which might look like shown below

- name: queue
  tag: dc-gpu
  mode: python
  _: "dc-gpu"

Increase CI Timeout

Sometimes, your CI job can fail because your CI job is waiting for the the SLURM scheduler to allocate resources for your job, and that process can take much longer than the default timeout of 1 hour. To fix this, you can increase the timeout of your CI job by going to Settings -> CI/CD -> General pipelines -> Timeout and then changing the value to a higher value. We recommend 7d which is 7 days.

Switch to v3 Branch

If you have followed the original instructions of the tutorial, you are most likely using the main branch which can be checked by looking at value after the @ symbol when including the component as shown below and also here

  - component: gitlab.jsc.fz-juelich.de/exacb/catalog/jureap/jube@main

and in order to switch to the v3 branch, you will need to change the value main to v3 like shown below

  - component: gitlab.jsc.fz-juelich.de/exacb/catalog/jureap/jube@v3

You can see this being used in the comprehensive example.

Incorrect SLURM Project

If you try to submit a CI/CD job with a project that you do not have permissions to, then your CI/CD runner will not be able to create the temporary directories needed to run the job and you will get a permissions error which will look like the following. To fix this error, you will need to update the project field in your .gitlab-ci.yml file to a project that you have write access to.

Incorrect Project Error

Disabling Specific CI/CD Jobs

One may want to disable specific CI/CD jobs for a specific commit without wanting to comment out or delete the code for the job in the .gitlab-ci.yml file. This can be achieved by using the rule functionality in Gitlab CI/CD.

As an example, to unconditionally disable a job, you can use the following rule:

    - echo "Hello, World!"
    - when: never

and then to unconditionally enable the job again, you can change the value never to always like follows:

    - echo "Hello, World!"
    - when: always

You can see this being used in the quickstart example.

Manually Scheduling Jobs

One might like to schedule some jobs to only run manually. While we are not currently aware of a native way to do this in Gitlab CI/CD, you can achieve an approximation of the required task by creating a pipeline that only runs on 29th of February. this can be done by going to Build -> Pipeline Schedules and then configuring the pipeline like shown below. The pipeline can then be triggered manually whenever needed. You can see this being used in here.

Manual Pipeline